Hi, I’m Tref

For the last decade I’ve specialised in marketing for festivals.
So much so, that I’ve now poured all of my experience, skill, and knowledge into a digital guide - how to market a festival.

But as well as festivals I also want to help smaller brands do proper marketing.
What do I mean by that?

Well, it’s marketing that’s been proven to work; proven by marketing science, thanks to decades of research and a hell-of-a-load of evidence.

For some reason, this game-changing understanding of how businesses and brands actually succeed and grow, isn’t getting through to smaller brands.

I want to help change that.

Discover why else you might want to work with me, and about the approach we’ll take together, below…

Why you might
want to work with me:

You don’t exactly know what your brand should be about, and so when it comes to your marketing, everything feels a bit messy, haphazard and, well… like you’re scrambling around a bit for what to do?

You’ve tried a number of different marketing strategies, but nothing seems to have really worked or even felt right?

Ultimately, does it feel like you’re not fulfilling your brands potential?
Slow to little growth, has left you feeling a tad frustrated.
And you’re desperate to push on but aren’t sure how?

Read on to discover how together, we’ll overcome these challenges.

How we’ll work together:

1. Research

We’ll start by setting the scene, getting a good understanding of your audience, competitors and of course, your business. A story will unfold and it will be one that from within your winning strategy will emerge.

2. Strategy

Amongst other things, you’ll know:
- How your brand will look and feel
- How it will be positioned
- What it will communicate
- Who it will target
- The media channels to use, and how best to use them
- How success will be measured.

This will all be neatly packaged up in the form of two very easy to read and useable documents:
1. A set of Brand Guidelines
2. A Marketing Plan.

3. Execution

Together, we’ll work closely to make any required changes to your brand, ensuring all those involved know inside-out what the strategy for success is, and how it’s going to be delivered.

I’ll be on hand to oversee initial implementation (including creating content and copywriting), and help you plug any gaps in resource/talent that you may encounter.

But thanks to our work together, you’ll be well equipped and inspired to continue to execute the strategy without me; quickly unlocking the huge potential in your business.

Let’s talk

Email: hello@treforsmith.co.uk