Helping Huckle bring even more like-minded people into their world.
Huckle brings high quality, no gimmick barbering and hairdressing to London, while blending it with unique social experiences.
In doing so, Huckle has created a place and a community, away from the mainstream, where people can connect and collaborate through shared cultural passions.
Now, Huckle is entering an exciting new phase of growth, aiming to share this vision and approach with an even wider audience; I’m helping Huckle tell their story in a way that reaches, engages, and brings even more like-minded people into their world.

I started by creating a presentation that provided an overview of Huckle and where it was heading. This allowed anyone new to Huckle whether it be employees, potential partners, or media to quickly get up to speed on what Huckle is all about. Above are just a few slides from the document.
I’m also creating social content, an example of which you can see above.
This is a piece that highlights Huckle as place where people can connect through culture.
I’ll be sharing even more soon!