Stop overthinking your messaging.
Here’s the deal - people are either:
1. IN-MARKET (they’re ready to buy a product/service like yours)
2. OUT OF MARKET (they’re not thinking about buying right now).
Nope, they’re not stuck in some part of a ‘funnel’ that you need to somehow shove them through.
For the out of market crowd:
👉 Build MEMORIES about your brand.
But not just any old memories.
Get them to remember you for the VALUE they will one day come into market looking for - VALUE that YOUR BRAND can deliver.
And (albeit less importantly) your brand’s beliefs or point of view on the world.
Or in other words - Get them to remember you when they are triggered into market, and at the same time give them a reason to be glad they did.
For the In-Market lot:
👉 Make it easy for them to buy.
Talk about product features, benefits, pricing, and reviews.
The stuff that removes buying doubts.
And the really powerful bit?
Tie your sales messages back to the memories you built earlier.
That’ll spark emotion and give them the extra nudge they need.
There you have it.
Two types of messaging for two main types of audiences:
Out of Market = Make Memories
In Market = Make Sales.
Pretty obvious when you think about it.
But it’s easy to get lost in all the noise.
For even more help, you can find a detailed (AND FREE) guide on getting your messaging right, here: